Saturday, August 7, 2010

Information Overload

Image credit: Pam Roth

I don't want you, the reader of this blog, to think that just because I'm the writer means I have to do all the work. Actually, I'm going to put you to work right now. I need you to count the number of movies, albums, and books that were produced, released, and/or published in the year 2009. Oh, and while you're at it, watch, listen to, or read every single movie, album, and book from 2009. Kinda intimidating, huh? You're just lucky that I'm not making you read every new blog and magazine and watch every new TV show and play every new video game.

The point is that the world is full to the brim with all sorts of information and entertainment. I try to keep up with stuff that's going on in the world, but sometimes I get overwhelmed by how much stuff is out there. And since I'm thinking I want to work with books or movies when I grow up, I feel a little wary about adding to the already overflowing pot of entertainment.

But the beauty of this situation is that we can be extremely picky about what we fill our minds with. Most of the available entertainment is either inappropriate or poorly made or both, which makes the good things all the sweeter. My pickiness in movies drives my mom crazy, but I don't want to waste my time watching a movie or reading a book or whatever that isn't top quality or something I like.

Even as we find good forms of entertainment, we shouldn't completely fill our lives with it. It's good in doses, but we need to live in the real world too. Working hard at a job, going to school, doing household chores, developing talents, and spending quality time with friends and family are all far more important than any form of entertainment. I feel like a hypocrite saying that because I'm such a movie nerd, but I know that's it true. When my day is pretty much full of just entertainment, I feel kind of empty inside. But when I spend my time doing worthwhile things I feel a lot better about myself.

Entertainment in and of itself is not a bad thing. But we need to be careful about what we watch and read and how often. Books, movies, etc. can enrich our lives, but they shouldn't replace our lives.

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